Graphic art & design in and around Dorset & Hampshire
Here are some of the businesses and projects Pazaz have worked with over the years supplying their visual identity.

Hattie Browns Brewery in Swanage.
The first brewery in Swanage for over 100 years. Pazaz have designed the logo, many beer fonts, and website for this local and very popular craft brewery.

Mother Ukers Ukulele Band
One of Dorsets most successful live bands’ . Pazaz is responsible for all of the visual art,, marketing , design, promotional material, website for this ever popular trio.

Fit 2 Box Gym Bournemouth
Fit 2 box Gym in Bournemouth is a successful boxing and Muay Thai gym with many years of history in Bournemouth. Pazaz provide graphics and artworks for Advertising on social media, Shop front artwork and artwork for products and clothing for the team and shop.

Heron Fine Food Importers
Heron Fine Foods Importers based in Southampton import quality teas, tisanes, spices and other products from Sri Lanka. This new and growing company are bringing many new fine food products to the UK market. Pazaz have provide Graphic design, packaging, advertisements for shops and social media.